Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dont Use Acidic Cleaner on Marble Floorings

Don't Use Acidic Cleaner on Italian Marble / White Marble / Kota Stone

Neat n Clean Suggest not to Install Marble or Chips on the Floor in Washrooms & Toilets . Because In India Majority Use Acidic Cleaner like Harpic and Other Acidic Toilet Cleaner . See the Condition of the Floor of the Washroom by Wrong Selection of Cleaner. Marble white, black, Italian marble is very much reactive with acidic cleaner. There are multiple cleaners available in market that are acidic in nature .

Generally all over the world people use acid cleaner due to toilet pot cleaning. It can be clean by acidic cleaner only. But when we talk about flooring even a single dilute on concentrate drop or acid can damage marble.

To do for professional cleaners -

We suggest that when you go at client site and you see the condition of the marble that it ia spotted black. Kindly first convey the customer that it is damaged by acid and it cannot recover 100%. 

Althogh we donot suggest acidic cleaner to clean marble but if you have given the task of black spotted marble you can use very dilute and rest you have to scrub by abraisives .

What should we do then 

If you want to maintain marble flooring i  washroom kindly keep 2 types of cleaner . 
1 acidic cleaner for ceramic pot and wash basin. 
2. Alkaline cleaner for marble flooring .

Do not spill acidic cleaner's drops on marble while cleaning ceramics.

About quote - you can quote 10-20 % higher if there is marble flooring in washrooms. 

Neat n Clean is open to Advice for any Cleaning Problem. you Can Contact Us.


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